DayStrider: Nostalgic Tales for Knowledge Seekers

Sep 1st: Let Freedom Ring

September 01, 2024 Truman Pastworthy Episode 17

Let Freedom Ring on September 1st!  Political freedoms?  Check!  Stereotype freedoms?  Check!  Even gravitational freedoms?  Yep!  Check that too!  September 1st has all kinds of freedoms to celebrate. 

  • The Liberty Bell landed on the docks of Philly today - wanna guess what happened on the very first ring?
  • The third female living in America became a published author on this day - but you may be surprised as to which young lady has the honor!
  • The “Superman” of Jet Planes set world records for speed and altitude on this day 50 years ago - can you believe that a product of the 60’s will likely never be surpassed?

If it's a special day for you or for someone you care about, why not learn a little more about today by listening to some fun, engaging tales of the past.  You’ll find yourself a little smarter and have some great stories you can tell in the parking lot at “back to school night”!  If you need some great gift ideas, we have those too (along with links to where you can find them on Amazon).

Learn more about today’s historical exhibits here (these links worked in mid-2024 - not sure how long the links will be available):

Gift ideas for folks who celebrate September 1st:

Text me your favorite time travel movie!!!

~~~ DayStrider Fun ~~~

Do you want to be mentioned here in the podcast? Or do you want me to do a shout-out for a loved one? All you need to do is send me an e-mail:

Better yet, you can record your own shout-out by leaving me a voice message using this SpeakPipe link

Do you have a story that you wish to share? Join me as a guest and let’s tell the world together! Once again, just send me an e-mail or find me here on Facebook: Truman Pastworthy

If you had as much fun listening as I did creating this episode, please click "follow" in your favorite podcast platform . . . oh . . . and even better - why not share it with a friend (or three)! I’m betting you know just the perfect person who would enjoy today’s stories!

If you feel adventurous, how 'bout writing a great review? :-)