DayStrider: Tales from a Time Traveler

Feb 12th: Shape Shifters Unleased

Truman Pastworthy Episode 22

Before February 12th - the innards of the baseball were out of control, ice skating was seasonal and the shape of our nation would look completely different!

  • But along came Albert Spalding - who standardized that ball and invented a few other shapes you are familiar with!
  • And year-round ice became a thing at the Madison Square Garden - reshaping the future of the sport of ice skating.
  • A few of the largest memorials in the country are shaped after a president who reshaped his face at the urging of an 11-year-old.

If it's a special day for you or for someone you care about, why not learn a little more about today by listening to some fun, engaging tales of the past.  You’ll find yourself a little smarter and have some great stories you can tell while waiting in line at the bank to have your spare change rolled up.  If you need some great gift ideas, we have those too (along with links to where you can find them on Amazon).

The rest is under construction!

Text me your favorite time travel movie!!!

~~~ DayStrider Fun ~~~

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Do you have a story that you wish to share? Join me as a guest and let’s tell the world together! Once again, just send me an e-mail or find me here on Facebook: Truman Pastworthy

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